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Process of Adjustment


Process of Adjustment

Matthew 21: 10-13

During this season, God is changing the way we “do” church. God is still a faithful healing, miracle working God… HE is showing that HE is bigger than the “building”.

As the church body, we need to be bigger than the building and come back to a heart of worship. We need to be about the FATHER’S business! God is trying to bring us to a place of being aligned to HIS heart and our ear tuned to HIS voice.

This season may look chaotic to us in the natural, but it looks like order to God. The chaos right now is the storm before the calm! In this season we operate in the prophetic and believe, in this season:

  1. We need to understand, our houses and tables may be overturned, but God is putting our temples back together!

  2. In this season, as we focus on God, we will hear a new sound from Heaven! He will change our “diet” and we must thirst and hunger for the righteousness of God.

  3. Strongholds in our lives WILL be overturned and BROKEN in Jesus’ name!

As Christians, we need to become “heart-based” and not performance driven. It is about what is in our heart and us being about he Father’s business. We are in a divine season! We are all in the storm, but not in the same boat. GOD is bringing our world into order! He is renovating and renewing our minds, bodies, and spirits!!

Blessings and Peace!!

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christian Center


2725 Florida-Georgia Highway 

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Havana, FL 32333

Sunday: 9:30 AM

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