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We believe God loves us and wants us to be blessed, successful, and prosperous in all aspects of our lives...

NHCC Core Beliefs


We believe the Bible is God's word.  We believe and govern ourselves according to His holy word.  The Bible is the authoritative word on which we base our faith, our conduct, our beliefs and our doctrine.  



We believe in one true God, existing as the Holy Trinity...The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.  We believe Jesus is The Son of God, who came to earth as our Saviour, so that we may have eternal life.  



We believe Jesus was crucified and died for our sins.  He rose from the dead and now lives in heaven.  We believe salvation is for everyone.  Our salvation resides in our confession of our sins and belief in our hearts that Jesus died for our sins, rose from the grave and is one day coming back to earth.  



We believe the Church is a body of believers working in unity for the good of the Kingdom.  We believe everyone has value in the eyes of God.  Everyone has a purpose, plan, and destiny upon their lives. We believe we should use our talents for the growth of the church, positively impacting our communities and society as a whole.

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