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Principles of Prophetic Praise

Psalm 146 says… “while I live I will praise the Lord”. We know God inhabits the praises of HIS people. Praise is what we have been called to do.

As we are in this season, we need to recognize the principles of prophetic praise:

1. Recognize the PRODUCER

  • Who can bring hope, life, and the way except for Jesus…

  • Our HOPE is in Jesus… always. We must stand firm on HIS promises and realize Jesus is the PRODUCER of all things.

2. Anticipate the OUTCOME

  • We need to position ourselves in posture of FAITH and EXPECTATION

3. Be focused on the FUTURE

  • Stay focused on where you are going… your PURPOSE and DESTINY

4. Dance in ADVANCE

  • Celebrate HIM for who he is BEING

  • Praise HIM for what he is DOING

As we operate in the Principles of Prophetic Praise, we must understand everything is HIS. During this season God is preparing us for something NEW. Be excited for the FUTURE. It is time for us to prepare ourselves… Ask God to do a NEW thing… and expect it to happen!

Blessings and Peace!

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