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Growing in HIM

Our walk with God is about a relationship with him.  To grow in Him... in truth, understanding, and wisdom, WE need to understand who HE is…  God takes on many roles in our life… Healer, Counselor, Provider, Redeemer, to name a few.  He also possesses many characteristics that we need to embrace and emulate as we grow in our relationship and grow our wisdom in HIM.  A few to consider are:

1.  God is knowable, He desires a relationship with you (Jeremiah 9:23-24) 2.  God is welcoming to all, regardless of your past or your present… HE cares about your future (Psalms 145:18) 3.  God is creative and his creativeness is limitless (Psalms 147:5) 4.  God is forgiving… We need to take on a forgiving spirit, which includes forgiving ourselves (Romans 3: 22-25) 5.  God is honest, truthful, and trustworthy (Matthew 5:8) 6.  God is capable… HIS word tells us all things are possible through HIM (Philippians 4:13) Today is a great day to check yourself… Which of these characteristics are you struggling with?  Which ones are you trying to grow in?  the Bible tells us, in John 16:24, ask and we shall receive… Growing in these characteristics are as simple as us asking for God to help us, grow your wisdom, and grow in your relationship with God.  Blessings and Peace..

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