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A Clear Vision


Matthew 21:12-14

Too many times, religion has made us feel our “Christian Walk” was one based on performance…. A “performance- based” relationship with God predicated on how you acted versus what was truly in your heart.

Salvation is not “behavioral”, it is SPIRITUAL. If God judged our salvation on how we behaved, we would have lost it a long time ago. A vital element of our “Christian Walk” is what we see. If we do not have a clear vision, we will stumble, trip, and many times fall…

It is time we get our vision right… Vision is about persistence, perspective, and perception… in this season, as we focus on our vision we must be diligent to:

  1. Look Up… Lift up your eyes to the heavens and see what God would have to see

  2. Look Again… Be persistent with your vision and look as many times as you need. Have eyes of FAITH to see the HARVEST!

God sees us through the eyes of the cross… He sees us as complete and whole… NOT with flaws and imperfections. It is time we start seeing ourselves the way God does!

Blessings and Peace!

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christian Center


2725 Florida-Georgia Highway 

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Sunday: 9:30 AM

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